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4 Danger at the Mall and How to Avoid It

Ready to hit the discount season crowds at the mall? First, learn how to keep your child safe while you shop.

4 Bahaya di Mall dan Cara Menghindarinya

You will never leave a child in a car without a seat belt , but what about when in the shopping cart ? You always hold hands when crossing the street , but how often do you take his hand while riding the escalator at the mall ? Talking about the safety of children , we are anxious to face major threats and tangible , such as a car accident , the withdrawal of toys , and dangerous tools in the playground . The reason is clear , everything is often responsible for the accident that befell many children . But the roads in the mall could result in serious injury risk when older people are often divided attention while curious children elevators , escalators , as well as display items . We asked the experts how to control the four hazardous areas when you and your child go to the mall .Displays in StoresTowering displays , such as hardware stores , can be a threat . But a relatively short display can also be dangerous . Jennifer Keller of Mesa , Arizona , experienced it when he and his friend to the optician . Apparently , there is only a display rack made ​​of poles filled with loads tenuous glasses . " Son of my friend leaning to one shelf and the shelf fell , " he said . " Glasses override her feet and she screamed so loud . " Fortunately , his son was not seriously injured .Security strategy :Playing >> safe . Do not allow your child to touch the items on display . " Not all secure store mannequins and display them , " said Denise Dowd , MD , head injury prevention at Children 's Mercy Hospitals and Clinics , Kansas City , Missouri . " This means that objects easily collapse . "Prevent >> desire to explore . Your child may think that crawl under the clothes rack display or fun , but she can not accidentally pull it so that all objects fall on him . And , do not let him try to grab something on the counter and head up , because he can terpentok or overturned his desk .escalatorThe children are still small often afraid of escalators , and it is only natural : About two thousand children , mostly toddlers , injuries due to escalators each year . Most are caused by falls , and the rest as hands , feet , or clothing a child trapped in the moving parts of the escalator . While some relatively minor injuries , such as scratches and bruises due to falls , injuries caused by trapped could damage the child's legs , and even require amputation .Security strategy :>> Hold your child's hand to be led up and down from the escalator , and make sure her fingers do not touch the escalator handrail .>> Tell the children to be quiet and stare ahead . If he sits on the stairs , fingers and toes will be closer to the escalator spinning .Got >> stroller ? Use the elevator . " Only two wheels that can fit on a ladder , " said Karen Sheehan , MD , medical director of the Injury Prevention and Research Center at Children 's Memorial Hospital , Chicago . " If there are people above or below you crashing , you will easily lose control of the stroller . " When you have to go up the escalator , enlist the help of someone to raise the stroller and held him for moving escalator .>> Check your child's clothing . Make sure the shoe laces tied tight , and do not let him drag a coat or scarf on the floor . If loose clothing caught in the escalator , she could follow him . If your child is caught , press the emergency stop button ( usually at the top or at the bottom of the escalator ) or called out to someone to do it if you are not anywhere near the button .Shopping CartLeaving a child in a shopping cart looks practical , not dangerous . But , according to the American Academy of Pediatrics , an accident which occurred in connection with a shopping cart left nearly 21 thousand children under five go to the ER every year , mostly head and neck injuries . Part of the problem lies in the design of the shopping cart are not balanced . "The train was heavy and wide at the handle and become lighter due to the narrowing of the basket , " said Dr. . Sheehan . " If your child is standing on top of a shopping cart or perched on the side or at the rear of the train , he could easily slip . "Security strategy :Let the child >> outside the train . Tie him in a chair that can be folded in a shopping cart ( make sure the seat belt function ) . If there are , the better you can select the shopping cart in front of the child seat and the position is quite low . Most trains are designed like a car or truck so little shoppers we will be happy to sit still . If your child falls , at least he will not be seriously injured .>> Do not allow your child perched on the edge or in the back of the train . Allowing a child pushing a shopping cart can also lead to accidents .>> Do not place the baby carrier on top of the shopping cart . Weight carrier can make the train toppled.Always >> be in a position to reach out to children when shopping . It only takes a few seconds for him to fall from a shopping cart or topple when you turn around .elevatorNearly two thousand children injured by elevator every year , usually when their hands or feet caught in the door . " Most of the elevator door will open if the sensor detects something is blocking , but the child's hand or finger can not be recognized because it is too small , " said Dr. . Sheehan .Security strategy :>> Do not try to stop the elevator doors will close with the hand , foot , bag , or stroller . Although most of the lift is equipped with safety features and well maintained , photoelectric eyes in the elevator may not function causes the door remains shut despite anything in the way.Beware >> gap . Make sure the elevator is parallel to the floor before you get out . Your child can slip or his foot caught in the gap .>> If possible , stand behind . Never allow children to touch or lean on the elevator door because this is where the most frequent accidents .Glad wandering child ?Mal is a fascinating place for children , and they will not think twice to run for the sake of a close look at anything that looks interesting . Here's how to avoid and overcome the lost child in the mall .

Make the kids stay busy . Bring books and small toys to cheer for your shopping . Children who are bored tend to be crossed to go when you are careless .
Give him your phone number . If your child is too young to remember , write the number on a piece of paper and put it in his pocket . In this way , anyone who finds he can get back to you .
Create an action plan . Make sure your children know what to do when you lose . Tell him to keep standing at his place and calling your name . If it does not succeed , he must inform employees of the store ( explain that he could recognize the staff and security guards through the label name or uniform ) . If he is still too small , ask him to look for " mother " who else to ask for help .
Do not panic . If your child wanders , let the staff shop and mall security guards . They may have local procedures to help you find your child . In addition , return to where you saw him last time . Call his name while walking there .
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