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For Children's Learning Space Design


Children's learning space designed according to the demands to meet all your child's activity in their rooms, ranging from the study, rest and play well.

 The degree of separation reinforces the concept of furniture design efficient because the room is too narrow , so the space between the bed area and the learning can be maximized and space savings so that the room is not terasa.Berikut no ideas to inspire you and all you have to imitate , hehe
1 . To reduce the impression of monotony stuffy and boring , the window can also be used for ventilation , is also important for children to feel comfortable and relaxed while learning . However, study table should be placed away from windows to avoid losing concentration when children learn better if the position of the table facing the wall in the corner to maintain and improve concentration .
2.Pemilihan colors adapted to the conditions of the study room , the color blue makes quiet and very conducive to learning
3 . The bookshelves are placed close to the table , making it easy to reach when children learn , well adapted to high altitude was in elementary school children .
4 . Put the book shelf that hangs on the wall to put the books and a few decorations . Besides can be used to store textbooks , open shelving is also used to display a collection of toys your son or daughter .
5.Ketinggian desks would be in accordance with the height of the children . Another important point is to ensure a comfortable chair with your back straight .
6.Sebuah soft board or corkboard table adjacent to assist in better management schedule .
7.Sebuah table with adequate lighting to prevent eye strain even when the children learn for a long time .
8.Dalam a computer lamp should be placed so that shadows do not affect jobs . In this case the best table lamp as a solution .
9.Anda also can give your son or daughter to a small pen holder on the table for easy access . So as to prevent the table looks messy and distracting the eye.
10.Memberikan wall decoration in the form of a mathematical formula , or a map that could increase interest in learning your son or daughter .
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