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Oil Field Discovered reserves greater than Saudi Arabia

February 11, 2008There are oil fields in SimeulueTuesday, 12 February 2008London | Daily Aceh - AgencyApplication of Technology Assessment( BPPT ) and Germany foundpotential oil ( hydrocarbon ) invery large number , approximately 107.5up to 320.79 billion barrels in the waterseast of the island of Simeulue . numberis very significant , for examplewhen compared to reservesproved to belong to Saudi Arabian oil ,that its volume reached 264.21billion barrels ." These findings after the research is donethe Research Vessel Sonne toknow the details of deformation structuresgeology in the arc front ( forearc ) post - tsunami December 262004, " said Director of Technology CenterThe Natural Resource InventoryBPPT , Joseph Surachman , in Jakarta ,yesterday .The structure , he explained , consistsdepocenter of the alleged structurea kitchen area wherehydrocarbon production , the fault rideas a medium of hydrocarbon migrationfrom the kitchen , carbonate buildupshydrocarbon reservoirs and brightspots that indicate the presence ofgas .Yusuf said the count toThe estimated volumecounted at least 17.1 times 109 metersand maximum total cubic volume 51jali 109 cubic meters ." Estimates of the volumebased on the calculated reservoiron the basis of a number of assumptions , namelytwo- dimensional seismic , carbonatecircular buildup factorelongation multiplier between 0.5 to 1.5and a porosity of 30 percent , " he said .According to him , the structure in the areaFore Arc Basin Simuelueassociated with the presence ofoil ( structural carbonate build upsand a bright spot for the gas ) that thereat depths of 500 to 800meters from the seabed , whichdepth reaches 1,100 meters .He also warned , volumeThe only representsspace in the form of tanknot necessarily entirely filled byhydrocarbons , since the space inrock influenced by other factors such assaturation index of water , power capabilityoil and gas capacity .Potential oil and gas ( hydrocarbons )This newfound need to befollowed ."If the potential reach of 107.5billion to 320.79 billion barrels ita very large number , whichif any of the potential onlyproved to be 25 percent , still wella figure which isexciting , "says petroleum expertof Exploration Think TankIndonesia ( ETTI ) , Andang Bachtiar ,on Monday .It compares with a backupproved to belong to Saudi Arabian oilthe volume reached 264.21billion barrels and could be exploredup to 250 years .Oil and gas field that couldcategorized as a giant field( giant fields ) when the volumereserve account for 500million Barrels .Chairman of BPPT , Said D Jenie , hopingIndonesian government immediatelypotential in order to secure thecan be controlled by the state ." BPPT advised to immediatelyfurther researchas much as possible thecarried out by researchers incountries that already havecapabilities and facilities . BPPT andLIPI has a number of fleetresearch vessel Baruna Jayavalidating the presence orwhether or not the reserve , " he said .
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