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Why I Avoid Best Recruit Graduates with High IQ

As an Internet company , Google is considered as a role model because of the massive scale . Included in the affairs of human resources . Google has a policy that is uniquely associated with hiring employees .
They spent many years analyzing who is successful in the company , which overlook the importance of GPA , reputation of the school and interview .
In a conversation with Tom Friedman of The New York Times , Google's head of operations , Laszlo Bock , detailing the company sought when recruiting . And unique , academic criteria do not become major .
The graduates of top schools avoided by Google for reasons they do not usually have what is referred to as " intellectual humility " .
Megan McArdle argues that the authors put off " because they scored too many A's in the class " . Likewise, college graduates . The best graduates are usually taught to rely on their talents , which in turn makes it difficult to adapt the work .
I more wanted to get people who are able to accept the ideas of others while the idea is good , more than they have. That humility I mean , Bock said .
Although not all , many brilliant graduates very rarely experienced failure and did not learn how to learn from failure .
They are usually gifted genius , Bock said , shows that the fundamental attribution error because they tend to think when he was successful , it was because he was a genius . Meanwhile, when it fails, he will blame others around him or anything else . In Google , you should insist on and defend ideas to the death but if someone else can provide factual evidence that there are other better ideas , you must acknowledge and support it .
Surprisingly , those without a college degree can actually do it better . "People can still be successful even if no formal education is an extraordinary person and we need to get people like that , " Bock said .
Many campuses are failing to realize the promise of their , Bock claims . What is more important than the level of intelligence , academic degree or diploma with an A is the ability to learn . " Campus only artificial learning environment . Which is more important is a person's general cognitive ability , the ability to process while working , collecting a lot of information and structured process that can be known through a behavioral interview I gave , " she said .
Such interviews for example tells prospective employees to think about how many tennis balls that will be put in a tennis court . It makes Google is able to predict the candidate's ability to react to difficult problems in the past . The way it is also considered to find the ones that suit is Google's definition of leadership .
" It's not just how to lead a club at school or get a degree that makes people impressed leader , " he explained again , " but rather on the ability of a person to climb the next step and become a leader when needed . "

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